Youth Night
Bring your friends! Come and play ping pong, foosball, have some snacks and more! Grades 7-12 at the Pender Harbour Community Hall

Drop In Sports at PHSS Gym
Pickleball: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5:30-7:30pm. Drop in fee $5.
Floor Hockey: Tuesdays 8:00-9:30pm. Drop in fee $5. For boys/men Grade 10 and over.
Badminton: TBA

Red Cross Babysitters Course
Saturday, November 11, 2023 from 9am-4pm at the Community School. Ages 11+
The Babysitting Course, refreshed and revised, now has a greater emphasis on First Aid skills. The Canadian Red Cross Babysitting course covers everything from managing difficult behaviours to essential content on leadership and professional conduct as a babysitter. Babysitting promises to deepen and enhance the responsibility that older youth feel when caring for younger children. This updated curriculum, complete with new science, also provides improved learning when it comes to giving the appropriate care in the event of an emergency.
Check, Call, Care (includes phoning EMS/911), glove removal, recovery position, conscious choking (adult/child/baby/alone), CPR (baby/child), illness, asthma (includes use of inhaler and spacer), anaphylaxis (includes use of EpiPen), poisoning, insect stings, wound care (i.e. minor cuts and scrapes, splinters, nosebleeds, bumps and bruises, life-threatening bleeding, burns), head, neck and back injuries, broken bones, seizures, etc. For kids in Grade 5 and older.
Past dates:
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Friday, February 14, 2020
Sunday, April 28, 2018

Red Cross Stay Safe! Course
Real-world scenarios often call on children to respond to challenges. The Stay Safe! Program teaches applicable and age-appropriate skills, while increasing and reinforcing a youth’s capacity to improve his or her own safety. Whether in their community or on their own, this group will be given better tools to Stay Safe! in a variety of different situations.
- Responsibility & respect while being accountable for yourself
- Importance of setting & following rules around safety when staying on your own
- How to stay safe at home and within the community
- How to prepare, recognize and respond to unexpected situations such as inclement weather, strangers, unanticipated visits
- First Aid Content; EMS/911 phoning, recovery position, conscious choking, asthma, allergic reaction, poisoning, insect stings, wound care for minor cuts, splinters, nosebleeds, bumps and bruises, burns and more
Past dates;
Monday, May 14, 2019

Student & Family Support Program
The heart of our work
Supporting the students and families of Pender Harbour Secondary & Madeira Park Elementary. Working closely with the school principal and counsellor as well as an array of community agencies to ensure students and family’s specific needs are addressed.